February 24, 2009


I was so right.  Gained back half of what was lost in the past 10 days.  Oh, well lesson learned.  At this point I really don't care and am still am emotional wreck and will try harder next week.

February 23, 2009

Falling off the Wiigon

I have been so GUNG-HO wii fit that it was almost sickening.  Well I still love it, but now after not being on in over a week, and piggin' out like crazy on Girl Scout cookies (the devil invited I swear) and just not wanting to care, I am a wee bit scared of what Mr. Wii has to say.

So I just keep thinking of reasons to keep putting in off.  Mentally I am not ready to be disappointed in one more thing.  Losing those first few pounds seemed so easy.  And I was really trying to eat better, but life grabbed a hold and I, being an emotional eater, eat.  I am sure my undid all the good that was done.

Maybe tonight I will face my judge, maybe.

February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Today is day 20 of my Wii Fit and so far I have lost a total of....(((drum roll)))   5 POUNDS!

I know it doesn't seem like much, the first 4lbs came off in the first two weeks, but each day that I log on I loss weight and that is what matters most.  I could careless that it is only 1oz, as long as I am still losing.  Especially with having all these GIRL SCOUT COOKIES (EEK) around.  We have 127 boxes and I need to get rid of them fast

I have mastered the warrior pose, and LOVE it.  Had my best Long Run this week with a burn rate of 135%.  On 2/12 I was on for a full thirty minutes without getting tired.  It was a great, sweaty workout.  Most days I can manage 15-20 minutes depending on how late I get home.

I feel like I am sleeping better, and don't feel as depressed.  Which is good with everything that is going on in life right now.  This week as been a week of firsts and last.  Katie got her first pair of contacts, she went to her last (and 5th) Valentine's Day Sock Hop at school, and is working her first Cookie Booth today.  

Hope everyone has a grand Valentine's day.  Joe has been planning something for weeks with one of our neighbors.  Hopefully it will turn out the way he plans.  

Well, I am off to go work a Cookie Booth with Katie.

February 7, 2009

Working too Much = No Wii Fit :(

Okay, working 60+ hours in one week is not conducive to exercising. But, I will have a really FAT paycheck next Thursday...ok, I thought it was funny.

Only have a few minutes to post.  I am suppose to be in the shower getting ready to go to Epcot.

Today I did:

Half Moon - 63
Warrior - 89 (new record)
Jackknife (20reps) - 95
Step (2x) - 243
Free Run (10min) - ran 1.63 miles

In total I lost 2 pound this week.  I feel really good and my Wii Fit age is down to 40.  That is a drop of 9 years since I started 2 weeks ago.

I should be able to post and exercise more this week!

January 31, 2009

Wii Fit + Drinking = Comedy

Here is a good morning laugh for ya'll!!

Most weekend evenings have been spent at the neighbors house enjoying a bonfire and drinking.  It's just what we do on our street.  We get together to chill after a long week, most of the time we grill out here first and then head down the street for fire.

Any whoo, after working for a short time yesterday, I headed down the hang with the fam and friends.  Of course the were cocktails involved. :) The evening ended a bit early (midnight is early) so a few of us came back here to just chat.  Well, I got this bright idea...since I was home and hadn't log on to Fit that I would do so.  (start chuckling now)

Here is what I figured out after drinking + Wii Fit:
  • I am much better at Step (250'ish)
  • I am not so good at Yoga (duh, it takes balancing)
  • I am phenomenal at Running-long (167%)
  • Jackknife is no more easier sober than drunk
I know, funny right.  Well in my own defense, at least I took the time to exercise!

January 29, 2009

Day Six - WOO HOO

Okay, so I was a bit worried stepping back on the board today. Expecting to get yelled at for not logging in yesterday, or even worse gain weight back. To my surprise I LOST weight!!

I really love my Wii Fit. I cannot say this enough and I BRAG about it as often as I can. Joe even looks for Wii Fit items now at the store to see if there is any thing neat I could use. Really, all you need is the board. Yoga mat not really needed. Nice, but not necessary. Though I did see a pouch today that would be helpful with running. Right now I either hold the remote in one hand, or slide it into the waist band of my pants.

Any whoo, I was making a list of what I have accomplished in the first six days and thought I would post it.

  1. Step is now my favorite and I finally beat Katie to be #1 with 240 points. (couldn't even get coordinated enough to finish it day 1 or 2)
  2. I LOVE running. Today I ran the Short race (burning 97%) and Long (67%).
  3. I can do the Hula Hoop, though NO ONE can beat Katie at this one. She has the record at our house and at Robin's.
  4. I thought the Yoga would be my favorite. It's okay and I do have better posture, but I mostly use it to loosen up for the other things.

Here are my starting stats, weight included (gulp)

  • Weight - 186.1 pounds (yes really)
  • BMI - 29.9 (obese)
  • Wii Fit Age - 47 (I'm 37)
  • Ideal Weight - 136 pounds (I don't agree)

As of January 29, 2009

  • Weight - 183.6 pounds (-2.5)
  • BMI - 29.51 (overweight)
  • Wii Fit Age - 45 (-2 years)

I am pretty proud of what little changes I have made. The first 4 days were 15 minutes of workout time, today was 22. Just a bit sore and winded, but in a good way.

January 28, 2009

The First Five days...

So, I was REALLY excited to get my Wii Fit last Saturday. So much so that I opened it and set it up the minute I got home. It was love at first play. It is really easy to follow and very encouraging.

  • Day one - 15 minutes and I was surprised I made it that far. Worked at yoga and running.
  • Day two - 15 minutes, worked at yoga, running and tried step. Failed miserably at step.
  • Day three - 15 minutes, worked at yoga, tried hula hoop and was surprised I could do it, and finally finished step!
  • Day four - 20 minutes, running, yoga, hula hoops and I tried jack knife and found it easier than I thought. I was really gung-ho this day. It was 14 minutes at night when I got home on 6 minutes before work. I literally squeezed those six minutes in before I walked out the door for work.
  • Day five - no Fit - was at work 16 hours. :`(

So that is my log so far. I was really proud to be on such a roll. Today is day six, I plan to work out tonight.

Oh, I lost 1 pound in the first four days. Hopefully I didn't ruin that with the last 2 days.

January 27, 2009

Blowing Smoke

So I smoked my last cigarette on January 8, 2009.

I didn't make a big deal out of it. When someone ask to bum a smoke, I just said I didn't have any. No one really noticed at first. However, when they did it spread like wildfire.

Again, technically I did not quite smoking. I just stopped. If I quit, that means I have a chance to not quit. Then people look at you with the evil-eye if you choose to have a cigarette.

Right now I am smoke free and enjoying it. Though, I had to figure out a way to take breaks at work now. My breaks use to be like clockwork. Now I have found other ways to hide from the servers. (wink)


January 26, 2009

My New Year NON-resolutions

Everyone makes New Year resolutions. Most are mad with good intentions. Other just out of pure fun. I have even made a few over the past 37 years. Truly, I cannot think of one that I actually stuck with. So with the start of 2009, I decided to my resolution was to not make any resolutions.

So, if I didn't...
  1. Quick smoking
  2. Exercise more
  3. Lose weight

It would really wouldn't make that I failed.

So cheers (okay, technically it was 26 days ago, get over it)